Astronomy 101: Project

Over the coming weeks, you will be tracking the phases of the Moon in order to determine the period for lunar phases (the amount of time between full moon and full moon).

The 80-point project will consist of several parts. The first part will be the observation portion and will require you to take data for a six-week period. The second part will involve analyzing the data to get a rough estimate of the period of the Moon's phases and the sidereal period of the Moon. The final part of the project will involve writing a project report.

Links for the project will be provided below, along with the due dates for each portion of the project and the amount of points allocated to each part of the project. The point values may be different depending on the instructor.

You can keep a record of your observations using the data sheet (Word, PDF).

Links to instructions for various parts of the project will be made available in the table below, where you can already find the due dates for each part of the project.

Project Part Due Date Points
Observations 9/16
5 Points Each; 30 Points Total
Project Analysis 10/22 in lab 25 Points for Analysis
Project Report 11/4 25 points
