Astronomy 101: Observing Schedule

Click here to reserve a date for observing. The observing FAQ may answer any additional questions you have, including what to include in your report.

Remember that all sessions are weather permitting. This website will be updated about one hour before the start time of a dark sky observing session. Be sure to check before heading out to the observing site. We will meet at the Champaign-Urbana Astronomical Society (CUAS) Prairie Winds Observatory for dark sky observing. This is not the University of Illinois Observatory on the UIUC campus. The CUAS Observatory is southwest of Champaign–Urbana. You should use the latitude and longitude coordinates below, which work in any GPS. You can also see the location here on Google Maps. Type those into your device and confirm that the the location matches the location you see.


Lunar Observing (Optional but recommended):

To help you get off on the right foot in the first week of the lunar observing project, we will have lunar observing sessions on the Parkland campus, which will take place outside the planetarium. These sessions are also weather permitting and will be only about 20 minutes long. Click here to reserve a date for lunar observing.
