A little about your instructors!


Essentials of Forensic Science
Chemistry 108
Fall, 2004


This course is team-taught by lead instructors David Wilson (sections 001 & 002), Carrie Grimsley (section 003), Derek Vander Molen (section 050), and Jason Toon (section 290); visiting instructors Paul Sarantakos, John Moore, Vikki Crnekovic, and Mary Severinghaus. We do this to ensure that there is some expertise in all areas of the course!


 Paul Sarantakos                                                      Office: D177
     403-1133                                                   Office Hours: MWF 11 & 1;
                                                                                             M 3 & 4


Carrie Grimsley                                                               Office: L240
    403-1275                                                            Office Hours: M 1-2

Paul has served as Parkland's Chief of Police and has worked in criminal justice for over 20 years. Paul will help you understand the context in which forensic science can be used by drawing on examples of crimes he has seen or knows about. This is Carrie's second year teaching Forensic Science. In addition to forensics and chemistry, Carrie's science interests are in anthropology, genetics, immunology, pharmacogenetics and evolutionary biology. 

David Wilson                                                          Office: L133
  351-2371                                                    Office Hours: M 3; T 1; W 10;
                                                                                           Th 3; F 10


John Moore                                                                Office: L233

Dave is the new coordinator for CHE 108. He is also a hybrid instructor in biology and chemistry. Dave and his wife, Susan, have 2 daughters (Lane and Emily) as well as a golden retriever (Baylee), and a tabby (Henry). While not teaching at Parkland full time, Dave can be found on the golf course, playing the piano, or renovating his house in Farmer City. Scientific interests include relating evolution with religious faith, cancer, stem cells, and quantum mechanics. John has taught Anatomy/Physiology and Pathophysiology at Parkland for 25+ years. He also is the lead instructor for SCI 208, Forensic Science II: Death Investigation. In addition to his interest and training in forensics, John's hobbies & activities include motorcycles, running a martial arts dojo, and combat handgun shooting. John and his wife, Andrea, live with five French Bulldogs, one Maltese, two Eclectus parrots, one Pacific Parrolet, three Budgerigars, and somewhere in the vicinity of 14 finches of various types. Please feel free to drop by his office to ask questions, or just chat!

Mary Severinghaus                                                   Office: M230


Vikki Crnekovic                                                   Office: L233
    373-3731                                                Office Hours: M 12 & 1;
                                                                                         Th 9 & 10; F 11

Mary Severinghaus has taught biology at Parkland College for 12 years. This is her fourth semester being involved in our forensics course. Her interest in forensics led her to attend a meeting in Memphis a year ago, where she found out how much she had yet to learn about the subject and was introduced to some great new ideas for our forensics labs.

Mary’s CHE 108 expertise is in microscopy, but she also helps teach other aspects of forensics. She and her husband Bill live in an ancient farmhouse in Mahomet with Moose, Mikey and Max (golden retrievers), and Murphy (a sweet mutt cat). Mary enjoys birdwatching, hiking and rollerblading.

Vikki has taught general biology at Parkland for 12 years and microbiology for four years. She has had a strong interest in forensics for a long time and is very excited to be involved with this course. Her hobbies are motorcycles and ballroom dancing.
                                                           Derek Vander Molen                                                      Office: M117
        373-2628                                                      Office Hours: Th 5-6

Jason Toon                                                                Office: M118

This is Derek's first semester teaching forensic science, but he is very excited to be doing so. He has a background in teaching general chemistry both at Parkland and at UIUC.

Jason Toon has taught at Parkland College for 1 year. He, currently, is teaching the Saturday Section of Chemistry 108. His training is in chemistry, but he also has interests in cellular biology and biochemistry. Other interests include forensics (but of course), finance and world travel.

Updated Sep 21, 2004 by David Wilson